Asbury Park, NJ – Anbaric Development Partners, one of the nation’s leading independent developers of electric transmission projects, today congratulated Governor Murphy on his announcement to increase the state’s offshore wind goal from 7,500 MW by 2035 to 11,000 MW by 2040.
“We applaud the Murphy Administration’s commitment to achieving 11,000 megawatts of offshore wind by 2040,” said Janice Fuller, President, Mid-Atlantic. “This bold new goal solidifies New Jersey’s place as a national leader in renewable energy and further demonstrates the Governor’s commitment to aggressively combatting climate change here in the Garden State.”
“Today’s announcement, coupled with the forthcoming awards in the BPU’s first-in-the-nation offshore wind transmission solicitation expected next month, will accelerate the growth of a sustainable offshore wind industry that creates local union jobs and boosts the state’s economy – all while protecting the shoreline and New Jersey’s ratepayers,” Fuller added.
Meeting these tremendous goals for wind power will require innovative solutions to deliver offshore power to land in New Jersey. The state has already demonstrated an understanding that planned transmission systems are the best approach for a resilient, reliable power grid, which mitigates impacts on the environment and promotes cost savings for ratepayers. Anbaric’s Boardwalk Power Link Projects, which were submitted to the BPU as part of the SAA transmission solicitation, provide a robust portfolio of shovel-ready transmission solutions to accelerate industry growth and achieve these ambitious goals.
About Anbaric
Anbaric is a US-based company focused on planning and scaling renewable energy. Anbaric develops clean energy infrastructure to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy across North America, specializing in the design, development, financing, and construction of large-scale electric transmission and storage systems. For more information about the company, visit
Contact: Megan Cryan